Fancy Beemer out Esmeralda at the Tulip Sale
Beemer daughter out of Esmeralda sells in the Tulip Sale
Out of the well known Doorman daughter JK DG Esmeralda VG-89 is a fancy Beemer daughter selling in the Tulip Sale.
Esmeralda is coming to the Holland Holstein Show 2018 and was already best udder Noordeloos 2018, Reserve Intermediate Champion Dairy Fair Mariënwaerdt 2017, 1st in her class NRM Show 2017, Reserve Junior Champion Holland Holstein Show 2016, Junior Champion Dairy Fair Mariënwaerdt 2016 and Reserve Junior Champoin Hoornaar 2016.
Her dam Emeraude was Champion 2yr Old Space 2011,1st Junior 2yr National Show Le Mans 2011 and Grand Champion Wintershow West-Brabant 2014.
Put your highest bid in for this fancy daughter sired by Beemer!